Transformation Education Live! Always Merging Tech, Living and Learning!If you are not learning, you are not living!Ep 23:Plagiarism: Has Technology Made it Easier- September 14, 2008 display_podcast Exclusive: Get an inside look at how one professor considers difficult grading situations. From students, to teachers, presidential candidates to the business world, where have you most recently see examples of plagiarism What does it mean Why is it happening MAYBE technology created the mass problem Recently, a superintendent addressed the graduating class of 2008 with ... Ep. 22 Back to School with Technology in Your Backpack- September 2, 2008 display_podcast Back to School with Technology in Your Backpack Surprises Abound ISchool seems to start earlier every year! Whether you're a student, related to one, or a wannabe student, you've no doubt been bombarded by advertisements for the tech gadgets you just HAVE to have for this school year. Kathy and Paige will help you decide which ones ... |