Arizona Wildcats NCAA Football NewsNews on Arizona Wildcats NCAA Football continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Our Eyes on Mars: How the Phoenix Lander Sees- June 28, 2008 COOL CAMERA: The Surface Stereo Imager, deployed on the Phoenix spacecraft now on Mars, mimics certain features of human eyesight. Vagabond childhood prepares Nick Hundley for life behind the plate- June 26, 2008 Like many coaches' kids, Portland Beavers catcher Nick Hundley was a precocious student of the game as a child. Free-will drills are a must as Cats go for bowl or bust- June 24, 2008 Receiver Delashaun Dean looks for running room in a voluntary 7-on-7 drill at Arizona Stadium. Just a Momma's Boy- June 22, 2008 Before Johnny Jackson steps on the field tonight, he will get a reminder of why he's playing football again. Football Season Tickets on Sale Monday- June 20, 2008 Season Tickets start at $72 for adults and $36 for youth. Lobo Football season tickets go on sale Monday, June 16! Coming off the program's first bowl game win since 1961, the New Mexico Bowl champions return ... Loyola's political guru retires as institute director- June 18, 2008 Ed Renwick, a mentor to hundreds of political junkies, including many who went on to hold public office, retired June 1 as director of Loyola University's Institute of Politics. GSU finalists carry strong research credentials- June 13, 2008 The weighty credentials of the two finalists read more like those of a candidate for top job at a prominent medical institution. Wildcats welcome nine as summer classes start- June 11, 2008 Nine new Arizona Wildcats took their first college classes on Monday, clearing the way for them to participate in the football program's training camp later this summer. Jennings gets his NFL call- June 9, 2008 In Chris Jennings' words, "it all came clear" after a phone call he received on his way to the airport on Monday. Lander oven ready for 1st sample of Martian soil to assess makeup- June 7, 2008 Fire up your oven, Phoenix; it's time to get cooking. With its first test sample of soil gathered, the UA-led Mars mission is poised to begin testing the red planet's arctic crust this weekend by heating a tiny ... |