still don't have a titleand no tagline eitherFinally, a Debian Live CD- August 28, 2008 That was just about time. In the last two Linux Tag events people asked us for Live-CDs and we had to explain why we don&8217;t have any, while most other distros have. Now we finally can offer a Debian Live-CD. Still beta, but a huge improvement. Thanks Debian Live team! What is group x in etcgroup for and should I be a member- August 3, 2008 A few days ago I noticed that suspend to RAM didn&8217;t work anymore on my T60 running sid. By chance I stumbled upon 484248 which explains that the user now has to be in the powerdev group to be able to suspend the machine. If I hadn&8217;t found this information, I would have had no idea ... My guess for Lennys release date- August 1, 2008 Looking at the current number of release-critical bugs, my guess for the actual release date of Lenny is: around June 2009. The blue lines have exactly the same angle, the greenish line marks the planned release date. I know that&8217;s not exactly scientific, but let&8217;s see how close I am. The blue graph marks by the way ... |