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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for May 2008

The Running Man News

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Believe it or not, Jesse Ventura might be challenging Al Franken for the U.S. Senate - May 22, 2008

This could get really entertaining. Jesse "The Body" Ventura, the former pro wrestler who stunned the Minnesota political establishment by winning a term as the state's governor, just announced that he's ...

Solar-powered capital punishment - May 13, 2008

"There's something in there for both parties so everyone can be happy. See, this is how I get things together." Nothing like starting out the day with a good death penalty joke. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared Tuesday at a conference on alternative energy in Irvine co-hosted by the University of California, Irvine, ... via Free Republic

Reality TV run amok - May 1, 2008

Issue date: 5108 Section: Arts We've regressed as a human race, haven't we Reality television is almost as exploitive as gladiatorial sports were centuries ago. via The Lantern
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