The Journal of Left of Center ThinkingA contemporary online magazine which explores life, politics, gay rights, and general issues for discerning left-leaning readers.Same as the First- June 30, 2008 Back in the 04 elections, gay conservatives became all frothy at the mouth as they fell over each other pointing out that Kerry and Bush held the same stance on gay marriage and thus, gay dems who voted Democratic because they are pro-gay are idiots. And echoes of that argument are heard again, as both McCain and Obama oppose gay marriage. And once again, we have gay conservatives telling us theyre essentially the same. When, of course, they are not. (In Fairness, McCain is lightyears better. Faster Than A Speeding Bullet- June 28, 2008 You have to hand it to the NRA. The Ink on the DC gun opinion is still drying, and the NRA has already filed suits in San Francisco, Chicago, and Illinois. The DC opinion limited its opinion to DC, which is a federal property and thus, never reached the issue of state handgun bans. The interesting thing is that, while the other suits focus on full-out bans, the SF suit is aimed to remove a restriction on guns in public housing. This one seems the weakest to me, assuming it is held that... HandGuns- June 26, 2008 I havent read the decision yet and, as I am about to spend the next 7 hours in a practice MBE exam, I probably wont read it until tonight. Still, from what little I have gleaned from the press, I dont think this was a horrible decision. The read I have is that the Court ruled complete prohibitions on handguns are not okay, but left room for reasonable restrictions. If thats the case, Im fine with it. The focus, of course, will be how broad or narrow the room for restriction would be, and.. Yet Another- June 25, 2008 Reason why gay and lesbians need to have their relationships recognized. Once Langbehn and the children arrived at the hospital the hospital refused to accept information from her about Pondss medical history. Langbehn says she was informed that she was in an antigay city and state, and she could expect to receive no information or acknowledgment as family. A doctor finally spoke with Janice telling her that there was no chance of recovery. Other than one five minute visit, which was... Hold the Mayo- June 24, 2008 The thing I dont get about this Heinz gay ad, is that the ad isnt really a gay ad. Watch it. Its a joke mom is using the Deli type Heinz, so they replaced mom with a New York Deli guy. Yes, there is a same-sex kiss, but its meant in joke. Which makes Heinzs decision to pull the ad even odder. Is even the whiff of gay-ness too offensive to the general population Roe v Wade should be overturned- June 24, 2008 Its fine, now that my girlfriend has had her appointment. Wayback Machine- June 18, 2008 Steven Colbert, pre Colbert Nation, looks at the Homosexual Underworld and Orange Juice. Part I Part II Fuzzy Math- June 15, 2008 Its hard to respond, sometimes, to articles like this one in the New York Times. The government tends not to do a very good job of tracking gay couple statistics. However, the anti-gay-marriage crowd loves articles like this, as part of their two-headed attack on gay-marriage. 1. Gay marriage will destroy straight marriage. 2. Gays dont need marriage, as they dont want it. So, NYT points out that gay marriage is declining in Massachusetts. But, lets look at the numbers here: 10,500... Newsworthy- June 13, 2008 Nice to know that one of the largest network news agencies is asking whether were in the biblical end times. The Fundies Were Right- June 13, 2008 Legalizing Gay Marriage did have a negative affect on straight marriages. I love the concern that letting in The Gays would pose office security risks. |