The 3bicleWorking and living in post-Enron Texas.<br> With nary a buyout clause, golden parachute, or stock option in sight.(Untitled)- October 16, 2003 Why all the tech jobs are going overseasSilly us. We thought the reason corporate America rushed to move tech jobs to India was because they thought it saved money. Not so.According to an Indian research and IT group, the US population is aging and will suffer a labor shortage by 2010. Coupled with slow population growth, there just won't be enough qualified IT workers to go around. Hence, India will be poised to pick up the slack.According to the report, the US can fend off the crisis by... (Untitled)- October 10, 2003 When someone says security, hold your checkbook. I love that quote. Amazingly, it came from a congressman. Describing a plan to build a $10 million underground tunnel between the US Capitol building and the Library of Congress, Rep. Jack Kingston thinks it's a bad idea. Originally planned to draw tourists from the Capitol to the seldom-visited Library, advocates now claim it's a security measure.Now, though, the tunnel's mission has changed: to that of a congressional escape route. Project... |