Thorndale NewsLocal news for Thorndale, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Thorndale VFD Auxiliary celebrates holiday season- January 21, 2008 The Thorndale Ladies Firemen Auxiliary met Monday, Dece. 17 for the annual Christmas party, meeting, meal and gift exchange. via Thorndale Champion District Court Report- January 19, 2008 In Judge Ed Magre's 20th Judicial District Court, the following felony cases were disposed of for the period of Jan. via Cameron Herald Why Taylor:- January 16, 2008 Winners of the "Why Taylor Buy Taylor" campaign celebrate their $100 prizes. Nine winners - Wendy Barron, Francisco Calzada, Clint Cernik, Ranken Kennedy and Linda Limmer, all of Taylor; John Ferguson and Lucy ... via Taylor Daily Press |