Anton NewsLocal news for Anton, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mexico's artistry draws crowd- July 2, 2008 Close to an estimated 900 people ventured out on a hot night Wednesday to see a show celebrating Mexican art spanning from New Spain's viceroyalty period to its early-20th-century masters. Book looks at the evolution of San Antonio's Fiesta- July 1, 2008 When Fiesta's celebrated Battle of Flowers parade began in 1891, it was more chaos than carnival. Pet Project: Travel, not travail- July 1, 2008 Can't bear the thought of vacationing without Precious Or maybe you don't want to leave Brutus behind because he has special needs. More 'Tuna' for the masses- July 1, 2008 If there's one thing San Antonio audiences prove time and time again, it's that they never get enough "Tuna." It's true when the show's creators, former San Antonians Jaston Williams and Joe Sears, bring one of ... Give Us Your Money-Saving Ideas- July 1, 2008 Some women are starting to flex their financial muscles and fight their way through it, thanks to a special "boot camp." High gas prices, high utility bills and rising grocery prices. Investigation: Property Tax Favoritism- July 1, 2008 While most San Antonians' property taxes are going through the roof, people on one San Antonio street just got a break. |