Arp NewsLocal news for Arp, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.2 Fires Kept Smith County Crews Busy- March 10, 2008 Arp and Chapel Hill Volunteer Fire Departments stayed busy Sunday. Smith County Asst. via Tyler Morning Telegraph Rust, Guthrie In Runoff For GOP Pct. 3- March 5, 2008 "I'm very pleased with the results, but we have a long way to do go" By MALENA OGLES Staff Writer Former deputy constable Gary Guthrie will face Whi-tehouse police officer Dustin Rust in a April 8 runoff, after no candidate in the field of 4 won a majority in the Smith County ... via Tyler Morning Telegraph Spring for a sprig- March 1, 2008 "Rosemary, that's for remembrance," Ophelia says in Hamlet . Well, it's pretty hard to forget rosemary these days. via Fort Worth Star-Telegram |