UltraNormalHi, I'm Kevin. I'm a software engineer and standards evangelist at AOL. I'm married in my early thirties, fat and happy. What's this all about? This is my hobby. It's not my job. My job is what I do at work. This is what I do when I'm not working or doing something else. So, it's a little behind the blogging world's bleeding edge, and I've come to terms with that. I hope you can too. My wife, Jen, blogs here too.Three Weeks In, A Look Back- June 29, 2008 I know I've been rather quiet since leaving AOL and joining up with Music Intelligence Solutions, but as you can...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/29/h06_three_weeks_in_a_look_back.php As well he should.- June 27, 2008 Kevin just twittered this: Getting scared of jclawver's to-do list for me tomorrow... Ha! Which, he should be afraid because...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/27/h11_as_well_he_should.php Yo ho ho!- June 26, 2008 The internet has been super cranky and unreliable, so no real updates. Sorry. (That's aimed at my folks, mostly.) It's...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/26/h11_yo_ho_ho.php Status report- June 19, 2008 Kevin found us a house to rent in Savannah. Yay! Along with the necessities, it has a big backyard for...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/19/h18_status_report.php Words!- June 19, 2008 I labeled a box of books today, "Grown up books." I was afraid to use the word, "Adult." I am...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/18/h20_words.php Getting rid of stuff- June 16, 2008 There's this guy, Dave, who started the 100 Thing Challenge, which seems right up my alley since I love getting...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/16/h07_getting_rid_of_stuff.php house hunting ideas- June 15, 2008 Skip the family photos (yes, we know, they have a lot of kids) and check out the Duggars' house. They...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/15/h06_house_hunting_ideas.php Brian boy- June 12, 2008 Brian just came downstairs laughing his head off, with his nighttime pull up on his head. Apparently Max did this...http://www.lawver.net/archive/2008/06/11/h20_brian_boy.php |