Why Ask Hypothetical Questions?Oops, I Did It Again!Why do they do things like this- October 16, 2002 Man, for all the smart people Microsoft has working for it, it sure can act stupid sometimes. Here's a funny Register article on the second retracted public testimonial in a week.http://radio.weblogs.com/0104542/2002/10/16.html#a19 A Day In The Life- October 16, 2002 I walk into my bedroom. "Hi, Dante." "Hi." He's busily pulling out his shoelaces, sitting on my bed. "How's cartoons" He's watching cartoons on the TV next to my bed. "Maybe really fun."http://radio.weblogs.com/0104542/2002/10/15.html#a18 Dante Watches Tom and Jerry- October 11, 2002 Dante was just watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. In this episode, Tom has a dream where he's denied admittance to Heaven because he harassed Jerry all his life. But, Saint Peter says that he can still get a pass if he can get Jerry to sign a Certificate of Forgiveness within the next hour. He gets the signature, but a little too late. He falls into a boiling cauldron in Hell, and wakes up. Upon waking, he's so overjoyed with relief, he rushes over to Jerry's mouse hole, snatches Jerry up,...http://radio.weblogs.com/0104542/2002/10/10.html#a17 And so it begins...- October 7, 2002 Shhhhh. Unofficially, I've released an AppleScript into the wild. It takes selected text from Entourage or Internet Explorer, and puts it into OmniOutliner. A couple of its 'features' mean it is only useful for taking short clips for purposes of vocabulary tracking. Now that I write this, it seems silly that I didn't release a general purpose clipping grabber, too, which would interest a wider audience. Call me lazy. Or maybe you can just massage the code I provided to do what you want. What's.http://homepage.mac.com/formido King of the Hill- October 7, 2002 Cool, according to Google, I'm the top dog when it comes to Michael Terrys.http://radio.weblogs.com/0104542/2002/10/06.html#a13 Instant Outliners: An idea whose time has come...and gone!- October 7, 2002 Another thing: How come no one seems to be using their Instant Outliners Has this all been a big scam Do the folks at UserLand keep internal IOs that are updated frequently, or has this idea fallen by the wayside I'd like to know which side is the wayside, by the way, if you happen to know.http://radio.weblogs.com/0104542/2002/10/06.html#a12 The Wheel-of-Interest lands back on 'Website'. What'll it be Mike from Ventura- October 7, 2002 It's too bad I haven't felt like posting to this site recently, but I've been spending some of this me-time considering approaches to a few problems which, as a lone, amateur web enthusiast, plague me. First of all, I'm using the fanciest template that came with Radio, but I prefer uniqueness. I want to come up with something which expresses my taste and style. It's been pretty tough to figure out what causes my weblog to look the way it does. Not really knowing HTML makes it all the tougher. I.http://radio.weblogs.com/0104542/2002/10/06.html#a11 |