Arkville NewsLocal news for Arkville, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.On The Bright Side: Catskill teachers learn to connect students, history- January 30, 2008 "I heard a contractor say once that you have to learn to think like water" ARKVILLE _ A group of teachers gathered at the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development on Tuesday to learn how to connect their students with the land and heritage of the Catskills. via The Daily Star On The Bright Side: Workshop offers aspiring artists guidance- January 26, 2008 "Dabblers can have a chance to find out what it's like to move to the next level." Aspiring writers, artists and painters have an opportunity to spend a day honing their crafts through the First Strokes program, co-sponsored by the Roxbury Arts Group and the M-ARK Project. via Daily Star |