Tremont NewsLocal news for Tremont, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The faithful face hard choices as closing nears- June 16, 2008 At least once every weekend, 83-year-old Alma Kasputis slowly makes her way down the block from her Tower City home to attend Mass at Ss. Men to Stand Trial in Mine Accident- June 14, 2008 The co-owner of an eastern Pennsylvania coal mine and two employees will stand trial in connection with two methane gas explosions that seriously injured two miners in 2004 and killed another in 2006. Mine owners to face court in fatal blast- June 13, 2008 A district judge today dismissed conspiracy charges against two owners of a Schuylkill County coal mine where a 2006 explosion killed a miner, but ordered them and another miner to face county court action on ... Nature's Navigator: Clarks Valley Mountain Laurel- June 11, 2008 Posted by MARCUS SCHNECK, The Patriot-News June 08, 2008 18:31PM Clarks Valley between Dauphin in Dauphin County and Tower City in Schuylkill County is a riot of bright colors just now. Dallas-area woman killed in I-81 crash Police Blotter- June 9, 2008 A Dallas area woman was killed in a Sunday morning crash in Tremont Township, Schuylkill County. |