Twin Rocks NewsLocal news for Twin Rocks, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Speed played role in crash, police say- March 28, 2008 "It will touch everybody in the district: Our district is a family in itself." Excessive speed is believed to have played a role in Saturday's horrific crash into a tree that claimed the life of two juniors at Blacklick Valley Junior Senior High School, state police said. via The Tribune-Democrat Speed a factor in teens' deaths- March 26, 2008 "You know how kids go out on joy rides -- all of us were 16 years old and going on joy rides out on back roads" Death came too fast for Cambria County 16-year-olds Tiana Rose and Nicholas Maniccia on Saturday afternoon. via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Two teens killed, two injured in Cambria County crash- March 24, 2008 Police say speeding played a role in Cambria County crash that killed two teenagers and injured two other teenagers. via The York Daily Record Two Blacklick Valley teens killed in crash; two others injured- March 23, 2008 Two 16-year-old high school students were killed Saturday afternoon a one-vehicle crash. via The Tribune-Democrat |