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Feed items 1 - 10 of 18 for June 2008

Taylor McKnight

I work on The Hype Machine & SCHED*

Carrotmob - June 30, 2008

Carrotmob: They create flashmob like outings where participantsconsumers agree to go to a store at a specific day and buy stuff (like theyd normally do). To participate, the stores agree to use a specific percentage of those sales to decrease their carbonenvironmental impact (changing lightbulbs, efficient heatingcooling, solar, recycling etc).

"Liking everything and liking nothing is, in some sense, the same thing. With things that _really_..." - June 30, 2008

Liking everything and liking nothing is, in some sense, the same thing. With things that _really_ matter, you should never aim to like them all. - Robert KnutssonHe makes a great point I left out of Start Liking Everything and have argued with people many times. This might completely contradict my previous post, but with regard to music, liking everything = loving nothing. I dont believe a person can be really passionate about ALL music.

Heather Powazek Champs Home (Away From Home) Project - June 30, 2008

Heather Powazek Champs Home (Away From Home) Project

Musings of The Brain: Music Service Reviews - June 28, 2008

Musings of The Brain: Music Service Reviews: This tumblr is turning into an incredible resource of one pager site reviews of music sites. They just reviewed HypeM too.

"Reblog, motherfucker: do you use it" - June 28, 2008

Reblog, motherfucker: do you use it - Youre Doing It Wrong

"I follow 105 tumblrs and 92 of those are girls I dont know who I think are pretty." - June 28, 2008

I follow 105 tumblrs and 92 of those are girls I dont know who I think are pretty. - Everything on the Internet is true

Start Liking Everything - June 28, 2008

The more things you dislike, the harder time you will have in life. It is my goal to get over as many (unavoidable) things I dislike as possible as this will make life much more enjoyableeasier.Food is an easy example. For the longest time I did not enjoy olives, tomatoes, mustard, spam, guacamole, and wine. Not liking cow tongue is one thing, but not liking tomatoes or mustard is a real hassle because they are all over the place. Its easier to just get over your dislike for it then to spend...

I'd go to a un-conference like this - June 28, 2008

I'd go to a un-conference like this: juliaallison:People go to conferences to learn. One-directional communication (a guy at the front of a dark auditorium with a powerpoint) can be a hindrance to the free flow of ideas. Thus, the un-conference: classrooms with leaders who can call on people and steer the conversation, like your college discussion sections (except this time you care). Id go. Discussions are how I learn best.Somebody create a conference where Clay Shirky is the DL all day....

"Freetard: an individual who holds the ultimately self-defeating proposition that all content should..." - June 27, 2008

Freetard: an individual who holds the ultimately self-defeating proposition that all content should be accessible for free on the internet - BPIs CEO Geoff Taylor

Zoya just reminded me about that artsculture PDF mag I used to read called Candy.I tried tracking... - June 27, 2008

Zoya just reminded me about that artsculture PDF mag I used to read called Candy.I tried tracking it down and ended up on, a magazine that is every high school Filipina teens best friend online.If you arent a high school Filipina, you might enjoy this Candy better.
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