Taylor McKnightI work on The Hype Machine & SCHED*Carrotmob- June 30, 2008 Carrotmob: They create flashmob like outings where participantsconsumers agree to go to a store at a specific day and buy stuff (like theyd normally do). To participate, the stores agree to use a specific percentage of those sales to decrease their carbonenvironmental impact (changing lightbulbs, efficient heatingcooling, solar, recycling etc).http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/323460104/40449727 "Liking everything and liking nothing is, in some sense, the same thing. With things that _really_..."- June 30, 2008 Liking everything and liking nothing is, in some sense, the same thing. With things that _really_ matter, you should never aim to like them all. - Robert KnutssonHe makes a great point I left out of Start Liking Everything and have argued with people many times. This might completely contradict my previous post, but with regard to music, liking everything = loving nothing. I dont believe a person can be really passionate about ALL music.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/323434962/40447075 Heather Powazek Champs Home (Away From Home) Project- June 30, 2008 Heather Powazek Champs Home (Away From Home) Projecthttp://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/323405369/40442208 Musings of The Brain: Music Service Reviews- June 28, 2008 Musings of The Brain: Music Service Reviews: This tumblr is turning into an incredible resource of one pager site reviews of music sites. They just reviewed HypeM too.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/322157382/40200207 "Reblog, motherfucker: do you use it"- June 28, 2008 Reblog, motherfucker: do you use it - Youre Doing It Wronghttp://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/322136528/40199202 "I follow 105 tumblrs and 92 of those are girls I dont know who I think are pretty."- June 28, 2008 I follow 105 tumblrs and 92 of those are girls I dont know who I think are pretty. - Everything on the Internet is truehttp://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/322136529/40198847 Start Liking Everything- June 28, 2008 The more things you dislike, the harder time you will have in life. It is my goal to get over as many (unavoidable) things I dislike as possible as this will make life much more enjoyableeasier.Food is an easy example. For the longest time I did not enjoy olives, tomatoes, mustard, spam, guacamole, and wine. Not liking cow tongue is one thing, but not liking tomatoes or mustard is a real hassle because they are all over the place. Its easier to just get over your dislike for it then to spend...http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/322136530/40197957 I'd go to a un-conference like this- June 28, 2008 I'd go to a un-conference like this: juliaallison:People go to conferences to learn. One-directional communication (a guy at the front of a dark auditorium with a powerpoint) can be a hindrance to the free flow of ideas. Thus, the un-conference: classrooms with leaders who can call on people and steer the conversation, like your college discussion sections (except this time you care). Id go. Discussions are how I learn best.Somebody create a conference where Clay Shirky is the DL all day....http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/322129872/40196769 "Freetard: an individual who holds the ultimately self-defeating proposition that all content should..."- June 27, 2008 Freetard: an individual who holds the ultimately self-defeating proposition that all content should be accessible for free on the internet - BPIs CEO Geoff Taylorhttp://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/321517047/40087775 Zoya just reminded me about that artsculture PDF mag I used to read called Candy.I tried tracking...- June 27, 2008 Zoya just reminded me about that artsculture PDF mag I used to read called Candy.I tried tracking it down and ended up on Candymag.com, a magazine that is every high school Filipina teens best friend online.If you arent a high school Filipina, you might enjoy this Candy better.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/gtmcknight/fullposts/~3/321512150/40086890 |