Tres Pinos NewsLocal news for Tres Pinos, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Community bulletin: Italian dinner and dance Saturday night- May 29, 2008 To have your event listed in the community bulletin, submit your information online or send an email to Editor Kollin Kosmicki . De La Cruz, Barrios and Botelho show most promise- May 23, 2008 DISTRICT 1: District 1 voters have the luxury of choosing among three dedicated candidates to succeed the departing Supervisor Don Marcus, but we're convinced Margie Barrios has the professional and political ... Community bulletin: Bunco social tonight- May 22, 2008 To have your event listed in the community bulletin, submit your information online or send an email to Editor Kollin Kosmicki . Community bulletin: Foundation gala dinner tonight- May 16, 2008 To have your event listed in the community bulletin, submit your information online or send an email to Editor Kollin Kosmicki . via Hollister Free Lance Community bulletin: Chamber mixer this evening- May 14, 2008 To have your event listed in the community bulletin, submit your information online or send an email to Editor Kollin Kosmicki . via Hollister Free Lance Community bulletin: Portuguese parade this morning- May 11, 2008 To have your event listed in the community bulletin, submit your information online or send an email to Editor Kollin Kosmicki . via Free Lance Community bulletin: Songwriters' Slugfest Saturday evening- May 10, 2008 To have your event listed in the community bulletin, submit your information online or send an email to Editor Kollin Kosmicki . via Hollister Free Lance Supervisor gives ultimatum- May 2, 2008 "If you can't do the job, the first moment I feel uncomfortable you are gone." County Supervisor and Board Chairman Jaime De La Cruz recently laid blame for what he called the Spur Hotel "fiasco" on County Counsel Dennis LeClere for his advisement on the project and said he has told the ... via Hollister Free Lance |