Ashville NewsLocal news for Ashville, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The Day America Got Home- June 26, 2008 If Tuesday, September 11, 2001, was the day war came to our shores, Friday, September 14, 2001, was the day much of America got home. Second Berger public meeting goes smoothly- June 24, 2008 ASHVILLE - Berger Hospital's future was discussed once again Monday through another public meeting, but this time the meeting took place in Ashville rather than Circleville. Area volunteers lend hand in flood zone- June 22, 2008 Jim Johnson and Pam Blum drove a truck around to flood-soaked residents of Wisconsin today, unloading and distributing bottled water and cleanup kits of bleach, Pine-Sol, mops and sponges. School sleuths detected cheating by principal- June 20, 2008 Six teachers, two secretaries and the custodians invoked the spirit of Sherlock Holmes to solve the case of the tampered tests. Principal Accused Of Altering Test Results- June 18, 2008 Ohio education officials say a grade school principal's license should be suspended after it was determined she altered student test results. B. Everett Taylor- June 9, 2008 B. Everett Taylor, 71, of Chillicothe, passed from this life into the arms of his Heavenly father early Friday morning, June 6, 2008 in Adena Regional Medical Center following a brief illness. Earl Herman Hoffner- June 7, 2008 Earl Herman Hoffner 84 of So. Bloomfield, passed away Tues. June 3, 2008, at Pickaway Manor, Circleville. |