Wauseon NewsLocal news for Wauseon, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Grocery stores are full of locally grown and produced foods- April 30, 2008 "Chief is a locally owned business, and we want to work together with other locally owned businesses" Joan Dye Gussow, a former professor of nutrition and education at Columbia University, challenged people in northwest Ohio on April 11 to eat locally at least once a week. via Crescent-News.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/wauseon-oh/2008/04/grocery-stores-are-full-of-locally-grown-and-... Today's log- April 22, 2008 Births Bay Park Community Hospital Christina Molina, Toledo, girl, Monday. St. Charles Mercy Hospital Michelle and Gary Rudd, Curtice, girl, March 25. via Toledo Bladehttp://www.topix.net/city/wauseon-oh/2008/04/todays-log?fromrss=1 Injury accident occurs near Wauseon- April 20, 2008 An injury accident occurred Friday morning in the eastbound lanes of the Ohio Turnpike near this Fulton County community, authorities said. via Toledo Bladehttp://www.topix.net/city/wauseon-oh/2008/04/injury-accident-occurs-near-wauseon?fromrss=1 |