- December 21, 2005
I guess he thinks he's 1.
- December 19, 2005
I sent this letter to my Congressman today:
Congressman Bob Schwarz, R-MI 7th District
December 19, 2005
Dear Congressman Schwarz,
I want to thank your staff and yourself for taking the time to read my letter. While I understand that it's difficult for a Congressman to write a personal reply, I do hope this note finds its way from your staff to your eyes, and that you have a moment to read and consider it.
I think you are an honorable.
- December 19, 2005
As we approach the Christmas season, I have a question for Bill O'Reilly and those of his ilk. As they loudly bemoan the non-issue of Corporate America downplaying "Christmas" and playing up "holidays", it seems fit to ask:
Who Would Jesus Torture