Ted Ritzer: EE &Interp Web LinksThe idea is to provide links to useful information found on the Internet.(Untitled)- August 30, 2003 John Muir Day Study Guide Environmental Education Main - Sierra Clubhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/29.html#a... (Untitled)- August 30, 2003 Inner City Outings Program Environmental Education Main - Sierra Clubhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/29.html#a... (Untitled)- August 28, 2003 Handhelds for kids. If pre-teens are going to start carrying cellphones, they may as well have PDAs as well. BusinessWeek has a roundup of some of the more "educational" handheld gadgets for kids out there, like Leapfrog's iQuest (pictured at right) and Franklin's Speaking Homework Wiz. Speaking of handhelds for kids, it's not particularly educational, but whatever happened to the Cybiko Read... Gizmodohttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/27.html#a... (Untitled)- August 26, 2003 Announcing the 2003 Teacher's Guide GLOBE: Special Eventshttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/26.html#a... Redwood Reality Tour- August 25, 2003 Behind the Redwood Curtain OneWorld.net - Behind the Redwood Curtain is a 'reality tour' which examines the plight of the California Redwood forests. It takes particpants not only to the Redwood Forest the the reality tour includes opportunities to meet representatives of all stakeholders that effect the redwood forests, whether environmentalists, loggers or First Nations people affected by logging. Guess I should do some more research on Reality Tours!http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/25.html#a... (Untitled)- August 23, 2003 UK Cutting Edge EE Projects: My favorite of the projects listed is Ambient Wood, where students use technology in creative ways to monitor a woodland. http:www.equator.ac.ukprojectsindex.htm there is a story posted on this at: http:www.sussex.ac.ukpress_officebulletin11jul03article3.shtml this experience was also featured on the BBC Online site at: http:news.bbc.co.uk1hitechnology3035372.stmhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/23.html#a... (Untitled)- August 23, 2003 ATCO Tyrrell Learning Centre officially opens Royal Tyrrell Museum - ...celebrating lifehttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/23.html#a... (Untitled)- August 22, 2003 Calendar of World Heritage Events World Heritage News: UNESCO Culture Sectorhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/22.html#a... (Untitled)- August 22, 2003 Online Exhibits of the Museum of the History of Science http:www.mhs.ox.ac.ukexhibitsindex.htmCurrent exhibits include The Geometry of War, The Technology of Photographic Imaging, and the Oxford Virtual Science Walk. Permalink Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:14 AMhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/21.html#a... (Untitled)- August 21, 2003 IAA National Conference Interpretation Australia Associationhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/environmentalEducationWebLinks/2003/08/21.html#a... |