Talent NewsLocal news for Talent, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Residents adapt to gas boosts- June 5, 2008 They're driving less, using the bus, taking extra jobs, cutting back on entertainment Loading... Clockwise, from top: Saturn of Southwest Oregon tries to lure unhappy owners of gas-guzzling autos off Riverside ...http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/residents-adapt-to-gas-boosts?fromrss=1 It's taken 35 years, but travelers from all walks of life can now...- June 3, 2008 It's taken 35 years, but travelers from all walks of life can now skate, pedal or walk from Ashland to Central Point along the Bear Creek Greenway.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/its-taken-35-years-but-travelers-from-all-walk... Talent project on fast track after lower-than-expected bids- June 1, 2008 Upgrades to Talent Avenue from Rogue River Parkway to Creel Road could begin in June in a project that will cost less than engineering estimates.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/05/talent-project-on-fast-track-after-lower-than-... |