Talent NewsLocal news for Talent, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Granite Street Trail- June 29, 2008 The top of the Granite Street Trail connects with the Talent Irrigation District trail.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/granite-street-trail?fromrss=1 Life Without A Car- June 27, 2008 I'm now well into my first week of getting by without using my car. And it is very hard to do in an area such as Southern Oregon.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/life-without-a-car?fromrss=1 School burglars elude police- June 25, 2008 Two men detected inside Lincoln Elementary School by an alarm monitoring company around 4 a.m. Tuesday eluded several law enforcement officials, escaping as police were securing the perimeter.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/school-burglars-elude-police?fromrss=1 Two killed, two injured in Grants Pass area collision- June 23, 2008 A head-on crash on Highway 199 south of Grants Pass killed both drivers and sent two children to the hospital Sunday evening.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/two-killed-two-injured-in-grants-pass-area-col... Talent offers theater $457,500 for building- June 22, 2008 The town's urban renewal agency has offered Camelot Theatre Company $457,500 for its building and land the agency needs in order to realign West Valley View Road.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/talent-offers-theater-457-500-for-building?fro... Oregon student firefighter crashes water tanker- June 20, 2008 A student firefighter has been sent to Rogue Valley Medical Center in Medford after he crashed a water tanker into a ditch.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/oregon-student-firefighter-crashes-water-tanke... It's a classic:Get details about the Medford Cruise, starting today at Hawthorne Park- June 18, 2008 The high cost of gasoline won't be enough to deter fans and owners of classic automobiles from participating in the 2008 Medford Cruise, organizers say.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/its-a-classic-get-details-about-the-medford-cr... Weekend MidSummer's Dream festival needs approval- June 11, 2008 The MidSummer's Dream music and art festival is slated to open this weekend, but the Planning Commission has yet to approve organizers' conditional use permit.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/weekend-midsummers-dream-festival-needs-approv... Talent police chief takes job on coast- June 9, 2008 After five years on the job, police Chief Bob Rector is leaving his post to become a sheriff's captain with the Curry County Sheriff's Department.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/talent-police-chief-takes-job-on-coast?fromrss... Woman survives jump from freeway overpass- June 7, 2008 Freeway traffic near Talent was disrupted just before noon when a woman jumped from the Exit 21 overpass.http://www.topix.net/city/talent-or/2008/06/woman-survives-jump-from-freeway-overpass?from... |