Andy Smith's BlogPage.RegisterStartupScript('Andy', 'MetaBuilders_WebControls_GainKnowledge();');yay atlas- June 29, 2005 The cat's out of the bag about Atlas. AJAX may actually get productive soon. Not to dismiss the other frameworks in place at all. ( has some great ideas there ) It's just easier to incorporate a library into custom controls when it's already baked into the system. Boy, I would _kill_ to be on the team working on that. Fooling Around With Media Center and Messenger- June 3, 2005 I took a little time last nite and today to put together something that i've been wanting since msn messenger 7 came out with its What I'm Listening To feature. See, I don't run any local-machine music players anymore since I got my Windows Media Center box from HP, so this neat little feature was fairly useless. But since it's all player-plugin based, I figured it'd be completely possible to write some code and get that info zipping across the lan. So looking into it a bit, it turns out that... |