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ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom - Laboratory and Research Supplies & Equipment

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Laboratory Shakers can handle up to 4 x 6 L flasks. - May 23, 2008

Consisting of 3 models, IS-971 Incubated and Refrigerated Floor Model Shaker Series includes choice of orbitalreciprocating action shaking motion with speed range from 10-300 cyclesmin and maximum orbit diameter of 70 mm. Run time can be programmed from 1.0 sec up to 1,000 hr. Model IS-971 has temperature range of 5&176;C above room temperature to 60&176;C, while Models IS-971R and IS-971RF have temperature ranges from 4-60&176;C. Temperature uniformity is &177;1.0&176;C at 38&176;C. This story.

Foams meet low out-gassing standards. - May 20, 2008

Manufactured from ultra-pure Kynar PVDF polymer in process that uses only inert nitrogen gas to expand polymer sheet, ZOTEK&174; F Foams are in lowest risk category for out-gassing of VOCs and ammonia. Polymer resins are recognized by semiconductor, biotech, and medical industries as having very low extractables that migrate from resin matrix, as well as optimal flammability properties and resistance to chemicals and UV light. This story is related to the following:Chemical Processing and Waste.

Process Gas Chromatograph is suited for ppb gas analysis. - May 7, 2008

Optimized for ppb analysis of non-corrosive and corrosive gases such as air, Ar, and He, 19 in. rack mount compatible Series 200DID is computer controlled using keypad with vacuum fluorescence graphical display. It features 247 continuous, unattended operation, packedmicro-packed columns, automated valve control, isolated, discrete 4-20 mA outputs, and manualautomatic operation modes. Self-contained instrument eliminates need for any chromatography software. This story is related to the...

Vessel Utility Tower System suits biotech applications. - May 7, 2008

TruViu(TM) PLSS consists of IO tower, transmitter tower, optional pump tower, andor optional TruFlow(TM) gas manifold. Modular design allows components to be mounted on industrial cart and used for bioprocess runs on different single-use pilot and small-scale production vessels. Solution expands hardware capability to 6 pumps, 6 MFCs, 6 weigh scale inputs, and redundant transmitters for critical process parameters. This story is related to the following:Laboratory and Research Supplies and...

Glovebox Atmospheric Enclosure offers flexible design. - May 5, 2008

MX2000 Glovebox can be built with any combination of ovens and antechambers, gas analyzers, moisture monitors, and environmental controls. With rugged construction, it has modular design enabling customization of new systems. Optional PLC control for glovebox components is available as are optional single or dual-column gas purification units that deliver ultra-low moisture and oxygen levels. Other options include dry, rotary vane, and turbo-molecular vacuum pumps. This story is related to the..

Sink Strainer has built-in magnets to catch stirring bars. - May 2, 2008

Spinbar Magnetic Sink Strainer has 4 magnets in each corner that keep Spinbar Magnetic Stirring Bars from going down drain and long slits in sides and skirt that allow fluids to drain rapidly. Available in blue or green, chemical resistant unit has flat edge on one side that allows it to be placed close to sink wall. Four legs anchor strainer in sink drain and prevent it from being dislodged by flowing liquid. This story is related to the following:Laboratory and Research Supplies and...
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