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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for May 2007

Making Enterprise Architecture real step 8: Refining the Model - May 21, 2007

In the last step we decided that a combination of federation and centralization will suit the enterprise best.  So the underlying question is; what parts are centralized and what parts are federated  The answer is ... it depends! There are a variety of factors that go into the choosing.  Lets go over a few of the big ones.  Remember, we don't need to 100% right, just close enough to engage the rest of the team in the conversation. Question: How tightly or...

Making Enterprise Architecture Real Step 7: First Pass Modeling - May 14, 2007

During the last step we began scratching the surface of the needs of the enterprise.  Clearly it was too broad a description to make any significant architectural decisions.  Agile practices provide us a simple and effective approach to address this... "involving the customer".   As we begin assembling the architecture we need to repeatedly, on might even say incrementally, engage the many representative communities the architecture is intended to support.  But how best.

Making Enterprise Architecture Real Step 6: An Agile cut on the Architectural components - May 12, 2007

Now that we have gathered some initial information we need to sort it out. Actually its more complicated than just sorting, we need to find the patterns in what we have as well as see the missing parts for what they should be. Here's how I do it; First I grab a deck or three of blank 3x5 cards. I like the cards so I can write in any direction and draw ... well doodle really ... pictures of things.  Most cards get titles reflecting some kind of logical architectural component.  A few..
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