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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for November 2007

ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom - Timers & Clocks

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Large Digit Displays can be viewed from up to 160 ft away. - November 9, 2007

Available for analog, pulse, and serial data signals, G04 Series Large Digit Meters, Counters, Timers and Serial Input Displays come with oversize 4.0 in. digits for long distance viewing in any plant or outdoor environment. Number of digits is 5 for analog or rate signals for readings from -19999 to 99999, and up to 7 for totalizing or for use as serial input remote display with readings from -1999999 to 9999999. Elapsed timer and time-of-day clock configurations are also available. This story.

Time Recorder tracks employee attendance. - November 9, 2007

IDpunch 3 employee time clock includes built-in proximity reader that allows employees to use either proximity badges or fobs to verify their identity, or PIN technology for punching or transferring workgroups. It integrates with web-enabled Attendance Enterprise employee time and attendance software and web-hosted Attendance on Demand on line time tracking. Product is suited for light manufacturing or other shift work environments. This story is related to the following:Timers and ClocksTest...
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