Veritas et Venustas"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, ProgressivismArchitecture Critic of the Year- December 31, 2007 Curbed's Lockhart Steele With nothing left to live for, children hurl themselves from the High Line to a fiery death on the streets below. more> Click here for an early architecture post, on The Wonder That Is The New York Highline. Tidings of Comfort & Joy- December 25, 2007 When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. John Muir, Sierra Club founder P e a c e & L o v e i n t h e N e w Y e a r YouChoose- December 18, 2007 I THINK the Buck Rogers looking French tram (the French always like Buck Rogers) seen below looks bad next to the French buildings and in turn makes them look bad. The Viennese have also gone Futuristic, but look at their previous three generations, in the third video. Don't they fit... And Yadda Yadda Yadda ...- December 14, 2007 Some of the architects commenting on the last few posts seem to think the purpose of architecture and making places is to give the architect a chance to express his or her vision (after all, that is what most of us were taught in school). They don't understand the differences... New Urbanism is the New Green- December 9, 2007 New Urbanism is the Old Green. Green Council presentations (including Doug Farr's) are going up today. There are three so far, and should be more later (click here). To buy Doug's book from Amazon, click here. New York Times Architecture Review- December 9, 2007 Astrohome by Nicolai Ouroussoff Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Starchitect Ben van Berkel. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah: blah blah blah. Blah blah.Of all of them, he has so far come closest to fulfilling the dream of a truly elastic world, one in which the boundaries... Making It Right (Brad Pitt Sponsors Work In NOLA's Ninth Ward)- December 4, 2007 UPDATE: The Times-Picayune has comments from New Orleans residents in an article called Rate the new look for the Ninth Ward. Many thank Brad Pitt for helping, some are complimentary about a few of the houses, but most are negative, despite the gratitude for trying to do something. (" Who... From the TradArch list- December 4, 2007 RESPONDING to a post on the TradArch list (below), I said, I don't disagree Michael. Studying biophilia is fine and may prove to be useful for both design and the promotion of design. I've never seen anything in biophilia that has affected how I design, and that can be said... |