Veritas et Venustas"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, ProgressivismICA & CA Habitat for Humanity Pattern Book- February 23, 2008 From, the website of the Institute for Classical Architecture & Classical America: The Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America and the U.S. Area Office of Habitat for Humanity International have embarked upon a national collaboration, with architects selected jointly by the ICA&CA and Habitat, to design Habitat homes... Terrible Towers- February 22, 2008 Prince Charles, New Buildings in Old Places TOWERS can be great in New York. They've been a part of the city's character since the 1880s, and they became mythic in the 1920s, when every Hollywood movie studio had elaborate sets showing the New York cityscape, the most elegant and romantic... More Good Architecture Critics- February 17, 2008 David Brussat: Why classical architectural rocks Providence Journal RISDs Chace Center (l.) and its Peoples Savings Bank (r.), on North Main Street in Providence Photo by David Brussat Brussat writes: Scruton has an essay in this months issue of The New Criterion, Between Art & Science, reviewing three books: Architecture... The Brompton & the Lucida- February 5, 2008 The Brompton (left, above) is a new apartment building designed by Robert Stern Architects going up two blocks from my apartment. The Lucida (right) is a new LEED-rated building going up one block from where I live. When I step out my front door, I can see it. Happily, the... My First iTunes Movie: Once- February 4, 2008 Real people making art. Not to be pop stars or Starchitects, but for the pleasure of making something beautiful. That's Once. It's a wonderful movie. In the movie, two people meet through music and quickly develop an intimate friendship by making music together. The shared experience gives them an immediate... |