The Universities WeblogFinding the best college for youScholarships for Working Moms (and Other Women)- March 21, 2008 Applying to US Universities had a nice piece the other day on scholarships for working moms. It seems that, American Intercontinental University, Walden University and DeVry University have a $2 million block of scholarships for working moms - called (appropriately enough) "Project Working Mom - Putting Education to Work." The program has an online application available. As the father of two lovely daughters, I&39;ve always paid attention to scholarships for women in case I came.. So Far in March: MIT, Columbia, Others Drop Loans- March 20, 2008 Wanna go to Columbia The university just revised their financial aid policy. And now you can probably get out without dragging around a student loan for a decade after graduation - if your family income is less than $60,000 a year, according to the College Admissions Counseling Blog. Columbia&39;s move is part of a much larger trend to revamp financial aid. America&39;s top tier college&39;s and universities want to attract a larger part of the cream of the crop, and in order to do that... Clemson Lawsuit - Hiding Money From the State- March 19, 2008 At a time when Clemson University could be soaking up a little glory over the performance of it&39;s basketball team, the institution instead is having to put up with criticism over its handling of money... The Chronicle of higher Education is among sources reporting that Clemson is being sued because ti hid $80 million in cash reserves from the state legislature in South Carolina while asking that body to approve a tuition hike. A former executive secretary to Clemson University&39;s Board of. The Toughest School to Get Into- March 16, 2008 If you guessed Harvard, you were right. The Princeton Review ranked Harvard as the toughest school to get into in its 2008 edition. Seven of the eight toughest schools to get into where in the Ivy League. After Harvard comes Princeton, then MIT and Yale. Stanford, in the PAC-10, ranks fifth. Then it&39;s Brown, Columbia, and Penn. Washington University in St. Louis and Cal Tech round out the top ten. Duke, Dartmouth and georgetown also ranked in the top 20. The Princeton Review... The Happiest College... 2008 Princeton Review- March 12, 2008 Believe it or not, the Princeton Review ranks colleges on how happy students are. The winner Students at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA, were the nation&39;s happiest. And why not The smallish, private college has a 10:1 student faculty ratio, an average GPA of 4.0, and only about 1,450 students on campus. Perhaps you&39;ve heard of some of the other colleges and universities in the top ten for student happiness... See full article. Related Entries: Online lectures from Princeton.. Choosing Between the SAT and the ACT- March 10, 2008 You&39;re preparing to apply for college. Do you take the SAT or the ACT Amanda Sopko recently published a piece that looks at the differences between the two tests. And there are some profound differences. How example, the ACT tests your knowledge of content while the SAT tests your ability to reason, to use logic. If you&39;re good in math and science you should be aware that the SAT tests math only through about the ninth grade level (some algebra and some geometry) while the ACT has... Your Letters of Recommendation for College- March 6, 2008 Many colleges want you to get letters of recommendation as part of your application for college from people who know you. The first thing to consider it waiving your right to see those letters. If you don&39;t waive that right, you can go in later to the college&39;s admissions office, ask to see your admissions file, and read the recommendations. If you do agree to waive your right to see those letters, you&39;ll never know what the people who wrote them said, but the letters will carry much. Life Experience Credit- March 4, 2008 Jamie Littlefield across the hall from me here at Creative Weblogging had a good piece last week at her Online Universities Weblog about life experience credit. Jamie talks about the distinction between diploma mills (the kind of place where you can get your degree in astro-engineering or nanocomputing by writing a couple of term papers) and legitimate institutions that offer life experience credit for things you&39;ve actually done. Paying a few hundred dollars to get a nice sheepskin... 2008's Best Party Schools, According to the Princeton Review- March 2, 2008 The Princeton Review provides a lot of valuable information on individual colleges and universities, including how they compare to each other in areas like academics and campus life. It does this by ranking about 350 school across North America. One of the comparisons it makes allows it to decide where the best party school is, and for 2008 that&39;s West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV. The people over at the Review use a variety of factors, including drug and alcohol use, time spent.. |