Us vs. ThemSocial Fiction For Heavy Users.Thread-Dropping With Puritan.- June 30, 2008 'You guys must have replaced your brains with hair.'... Zalbe, Page 91.- June 29, 2008 Her gave her a smile. And she smiled back. He folded that smile, put it away, and kept it for years.... It Would've Been Better If They Took The Other Way Around.- June 22, 2008 But they didn't, so it wasn't. Film-mob filth clogged their way out, letting the hollers behind them get louder. One of them said, "I heard good things." Another, "The typeface is shit." She took her arm, soaked up the stares, and ran out... Pipettes : Manifesto.- June 19, 2008 'Let us write the histories of pop music (the plural has a certain importance). A history at once oral aural, but not linear or progressive. A history that snakes and twists and turns back on itself, a history of ruptures and wrong-turnings.... Awful, Odd, Frozen Howitzer, Page 168.- June 1, 2008 'If we walk far enough,' said Dorothy, 'we shall sometime come to some place, I am sure.'... |