The Blogthings Quiz BlogA Bit About The Quizzes on BlogthingsIf You Were a Leprechaun, What Would Your Name Be- March 13, 2008 I have to admit, Leprechauns freak me out. They&8217;re barely above clowns in my book. But Leprechaun names are kind of cute. Paddy Cloverhopper. Stinky Twinkletoes. Wee Shortlegs. All names I&8217;d like to have if I were a Leprechaun. So what&8217;s your Leprechaun name Let me know! Also let me know if you think Leprechauns are creepy ... Could You Rule The World- March 6, 2008 Do you have what it takes to be a dictator or despot I don&8217;t think I do. Too much stress&8230; But some people would love to rule the world. And you may be one of them. Take the quiz: Are You Destined for World Domination And let me know&8230; would you really like to rule the world ... My Name is Lil Chainsaw- March 5, 2008 Okay, that&8217;s obviously not my name&8230; but it would be if I were a wrestler. Wrestlers totally crack me up (especially female wrestlers), so it&8217;s no surprise that I wrote a wrestler name generator. This is one of the most popular quizzes on Blogthings. So go on and take What&8217;s Your Wrestler Name And let me know ... What Flowers Are You Like- March 4, 2008 It doesn&8217;t really feel like spring yet where I live, but I know spring is coming. Of course, my favorite part of spring is the blooming flowers. I love flowers so much, I really don&8217;t have a favorite. According to the What Color Flower Are You quiz, I am most like a purple flower. That&8217;s good ... Whats Better - Mac or PC- March 3, 2008 I have to admit that I was a PC person for a long time. Then I got my first Mac, and I&8217;ve never gone back. I&8217;m Mac - all the way! What do you prefer And what does it say about your personality Try taking my Are You a Mac or a PC quiz to find out ... |