Tales from a foreign land.Adventures in Ireland.Imagini.- March 17, 2007 I stole this from Rebs. Read my VisualDNA&8482; Get your own VisualDNA&8482;http://rmfo-blogs.com/chrissy/archives/2007/03/17/imagini/ Promises or Appearances- March 2, 2007 &8220;Abram believed the LORD, and He credited to him as righteousness.&8221; Genesis 15:6 The tendency to focus on the appearance of my life has reached mythical proportions. Lately, the circumstances surrounding me have been quite bizarre: four car accidents, loss, cancer, grief, sickness, etc. My immediate reaction has been to question God&8230;&8221;Why&8221; or &8220;AGAIN!&8221; or ...http://rmfo-blogs.com/chrissy/archives/2007/03/02/promises-or-appearances/ |