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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2004

The Trixie Update

Keep track of the new kid.

Baby for Sale (new reduced price!) - April 12, 2004

This week is going to be a slow one. There were some story ideas for the site, but that was before we went to sleep last night. Since that time my brain has shut down thanks to Trixie's horrible sleep...

Programming Schedule - April 9, 2004

Next week is "I'm Lazy Week" on the Trixie Picture of the Day. Join us for dramatic, never-before-seen images of Trixie in stroller parked in front of different pedestrian scenes from around the neighborhood. On a related note, we're taking...

Deh Deh Deh Deh Deh - April 9, 2004

Trixie has been babbling dehdadah variations for the past 4-6 weeks. Now, before anyone gets excited, I don't believe "deh-deh" means anything in her world. For one thing she doesn't distinguish between me or the empty cardboard box on the...

New Poll - April 5, 2004

Where do you draw the line between breakfast cereal and debilitating addiction Let's hear your opinion in the latest Trixie poll (to your left under 'Latest TTU Comments'.)...

The Cheerio Syndrome - April 5, 2004

Looking over our monthly budget I realize that we are spending like $200 a month on Cheerios. This is insane. I've been trying to keep track of her baby food expenses, and like a fool I was only looking at...

Signs of Self-preservation - April 3, 2004

Trixie shows no hesitation whatsoever when it comes to getting down from an elevated surface. Whether she's on the bed (28"), the couch (18"), or the file boxes (11") she is perfectly confident in her ability to crawl straight down...
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