The Trixie UpdateKeep track of the new kid.Any chance it's time for a nap- March 31, 2004 As I have stated many times before on this site, sleep is really the only thing that new parents want. They want their baby to sleep and they want to be able to sleep themselves. And they want both to... Back to Basics- March 30, 2004 Almost all the recent posts and comments on the site have been about the site itself as opposed to Trixie. Just wanted to let people know that there are a couple of stories (including one with a brand new type... The Trixie Code- March 30, 2004 Interested in setting up Telemetry for your baby Good news! We're working on making it a reality. The Trixie code has quietly been under development for a while now. But due to the recent demand, we are accelerating our schedule... New Poll- March 29, 2004 Trixie doesn't have an opinion about whether we log her diapers -- but you do! Weigh in on the controversy in the latest Trixie poll (to your left under 'Latest Comments'.)... We have company- March 28, 2004 I'd like to welcome all the new visitors to the Trixie Update. We're experiencing a tremendous traffic spike thanks in large part to this very flattering link on I know that a lot of people are interested in the... Bath Week- March 26, 2004 Next week is Bath Week on the Trixie Picture of the Day. Come join us for 5 days of wet and wild TPODs starting Monday.... You have to be this tall to ride- March 25, 2004 Why did the mere act of standing upright elicit such a reaction of terror in Trixie as seen in the TPOD from March 24th (photo taken March 4th) For Trixie, standing up that tall - even with support - was... Standing News- March 22, 2004 Trixie has been pulling herself up and standing for about a month now. Maybe a little longer, I can't remember anymore. Once she became vertically mobile -- in addition to horizontally mobile -- she demanded 10 times the attention. There's... More of the same- March 22, 2004 We've been taking a beating on the comments board, over the phone and in person - it's time to make another apology for the lack of posts. There are lots of good excuses; most have to do with Jennifer's horrific... |