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Feed items 1 - 10 of 14 for September 2007

"The act is beginning, the audience awaits" -BARE

"The act is beginning, the audience awaits" -BARE -

(Untitled) - September 27, 2007

So the first episode of "Private Practice" was not exactly everything I could hope for, but I still cried and I'm already really attached to the therapist character and the pediatrican dude so those are some good signs for the future.I have to guard tonight during "Grey's," which is truly tragic, but this whole full episode thing is like a gift from God. It's been so long since there was an ongoing TV show that I actually cared about. It's nice really--kind of comforting that I'll be..

(Untitled) - September 27, 2007

someone tried to tell me I'm not from the deep south today. even if you don't consider most of Tennessee to fall under that heading (which is debatable in itself), i clearly live about 7.9 millimeters from the Georgia border get the fuck out.everyone tryin to define me for me these days, whats up with that

(Untitled) - September 27, 2007

I still feel awful. I slept through a class today and now I have to write a paper and study for my two midterms next week :( boo...I have yet another class this semester that involves blogging, which is actually pretty

(Untitled) - September 26, 2007

i'm sick and unhappy and allergic mostly

(Untitled) - September 25, 2007

went to La Boheme at the Washington National Opera yesterday with Michael's mom and it was this amazingly fantastic ultra-modern version, which I loved. it was super interesting to see it through the filter of Rent. There were so many additional surprising parallels, I could have died in academigasm.

(Untitled) - September 24, 2007

new goal for college: come to terms with unclarity

(Untitled) - September 22, 2007

It has come to my attention that over the next several months, three of my favorite stories are being brought to the big screen from their original medium.Firstly there's the Tim Burton adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, which I actually have no criticism for. It looks amazing and it stars Johnny Depp. What could I possibly complain about--except perhaps that I can't find any trailers...Secondly, someone other than me and Chris Pollard finally noticed Susan Cooper's The Dark is...

sexi boi - September 20, 2007

The most bizarre thing I have experienced in a long time has been stumbling accidentally onto all of my creative writing from middle school. Reading my own words from so long ago, a lot of my experiences just come rushing back, but then some of this stuff I can't remember writing at all and it's totally indicative of a level of suffering that I can't really engage with at all. In particular, there's a story called "McCallie on Pain Killers," which, as I look at it now, clearly contains a lot..

(Untitled) - September 20, 2007

I'm soooooooo tired and I would get to sleep in tomorrow, but I have to table for GUPride...sighzor. It never ends.Oh and I lost my phone charger because I left it in the library (I thinkam pretty sure)Not a good start to the day, but hopefully there will be a grand finish.

(Untitled) - September 19, 2007

I can't believe the first Korean test of the year is tomorrow.....fuck.The issue is that I really don't speak Korean at all despite having taken five intensive semesters of it, one of which I took in fucking Seoul...alas all of these classes were slanted towards Korean's a pretty serious problem.I really just don't want to blight my gpa with such a random class AND I really don't know how I'm going to get my profficiency to graduate...
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