Alpha Gecko : Issues/Problems<p>This busted world and how to un-bust it by Antone Roundy</p>Give A Man A Fish, And He&8217;ll Sue You&8230;- November 29, 2007 Give a man a fish, and he&8217;ll sue you for a lifetime supply. Teach a man to fish, and his friends will sue you for not teaching them. Ah, the new American dream! I&8217;ve read where a number of people have talked about how people they&8217;d given something to got a sense of entitlement, expected ... PaayyyPPPPaaaaallllll &8220;Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer&8230;&8221;- November 14, 2007 I can just hear PayPal singing: &8220;Daisy Daisy, Give me your answer do! I&8217;m half crazy, All for the love of you!&8230;&8221; Slower and slower and sllooowwwweeeeerrrrrr. Hal, wake up! I&8217;ve noticed over that last month or so that PayPal has been slowing down. When I first noticed, I was a little concerned that I might ... The Great Contact Prescription Scam- November 3, 2007 My wife has been putting off replacing her contact lenses because not only will she need to pay for new contacts, but she&8217;ll have to pay for a new eye exam (I&8217;ve said to go ahead and do it, but I guess she figures she can live with her old contacts a little longer). Can ... |