the bitter shack of resentmentDestroying your comfortable life of denial, one post at a time.Spooky Thought of the Day- July 27, 2006 Bush Signs Voting Rights Act Extension How scary is it that the right of blacks and other minorities to vote (or more specifically protections against being intimidated, handicapped or gerrymandered out of the effective use of the vote) has to... Homage, or Theft- July 24, 2006 Anyone notice how the poster for the upcoming film "The Descent" ... suspiciously familiar Philippe Halsman's classic "In Voluptate Mors" with Salvador Dali: The comparison really shows the rip-off - I mean homage - pales in comparison. Foti's Misplaced Priorities- July 24, 2006 There's a lot in post-Katrina Louisiana that probably deserves the attention of grand juries - political and corporate corruption being high on the list. (At CorpWatch we're about to release the report I've been working on for the last 7... Worst Person in the World- July 21, 2006 Here's a swell guy. Jim Welker, a state represnetative from the great state of Colorado, has a little emai forwarding problem. No no, not like "Oops, I hit 'reply all!'" Not "I know you hate mass emails but this one... One Wonders- July 17, 2006 OK, now that we have Bush on camera saying "shit," and it has been beamed worldwide, the question remains: Will the FCC fine him, C-SPAN, CNN, the BBC, et al We can't have this sort of thing reaching our children's... The "Shit" Heard Round the World- July 17, 2006 So all over CNN this morning is video of Bush chatting with Tony Blair in front of an open microphone about the war between Israel and Lebanon. The focus is, of course, on the fact that Bush said "shit," not... |