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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2008


You say "convergence", I say "collision"

More media material - April 29, 2008

You can here me talk at a panel at eComm here answering What Will Drive Wireless Innovation. For those without an hour to spare, I&8217;m also on the BBC News site here today. UPDATE: My eComm keynote on re-thinking the phone company is here. But you&8217;ve got work to do, no time to waste watching videos on the web, no ;) Posted by Martin Geddes at 11:55 AM Comments: (post your comment) Enjoy Telepocalypse Then try Telco 2.0™: Making money in an IP world

Cultural chasms - April 20, 2008

In case anyone doubts the UK and US are two nations divided by a common language, here&8217;s what my mum phoned me to ask today when booking online a hotel in Las Vegas. &8220;Marts, between the boxes for first name and last name there&8217;s a little box with &8216;M&8217; and &8216;I&8217; above. What does that mean&8221; &8220;Middle initial, mum.&8221; &8220;And then at the end, there&8217;s a box with &8216;Sr&8217; and &8216;Jr&8217;. As we&8217;re over 62, shouldn&8217;t we put...

Network schmootrality - April 19, 2008

When a wee website gets pointed to by a big website, like Digg, it often falls over. That&8217;s because it&8217;s not in the host&8217;s interest to pay a huge hosting bill just because everyone and his Internet dog would like a peek. Now, who would disagree that a great improvement in the system would be for someone to be able to host their web site on, say, Amazon Web Services EC2S3 platform, and set a limit on how much they were willing to pay out of their own pocket to host the site per...

Anything you say... - April 7, 2008

Here&8217;s a regulationlaw I want to see enacted. Any time an IVR announces that your call may be recorded, without giving you any choice in the matter, you are also automatically entitled to record the call without asking. And not only that, you&8217;re allowed to publish it, too. Sauce for the goose&8230; Posted by Martin Geddes at 03:52 PM Comments: (post your comment) t April 7, 2008 04:34 PM:You can! or at least you will be able to once fonolo launches...

Goo Goo Goggles - April 4, 2008

Scott Cleland claims the open access rules on 700MHz spectrum triggered by Google&8217;s bid fleeced the US taxpayer by $7bn. I don&8217;t buy it, even as a signed-up fully-paid network neutrality opponent. Firstly, the numbers ignore economics. If the C block was encumbered, that would raise the prices of the A and B blocks. So you need to take a much smaller differential as to the cost of the encumbrance. Look at it this way. Say you&8217;re hungry, as is your friend, and there&8217;s...

Twatted - April 1, 2008

My twitter ID is martingeddes. I&8217;m still at the &8220;why would I bother&8221; stage. Yet another noisy digital child needing care and feeding. Sure, I can see the benefit in decoupling sending and receiving, cf being CCBCC&8217;d to death on email. It&8217;s much lighter than blogging, more conversational. But it&8217;s all far too manual. I&8217;m still refusing to ever, ever, ever have to describe my social network by hand. AltaVista wanted you to put keywords into your web page..
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