- PromotionLatest Article Headlines from for PromotionTen Top Reasons Authors Need a Web Site- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Enhance your Online and brand presence with your particular 'branding' why your product or service is the right choice why you are the preferred expert over your competition. For instance, the one who says I can help you make your book dream a reality, faster, cheaper, and easier. How Through designing every part of your book to sell copies before you write a single chapter applying the essential 'hot selling points,' and how to write each chapter much faster with less editing using the... The First Steps to Getting Noticed on the WWW- (Found July 2, 2008 ) ..n submit yourwebsite, are listed as follows (in my personal ''assumed order ofimportance'') Google Yahoo AltaVista LookSmart Open Directory ( This is a directory run by voluntary editors, soa word of advice: Take a bit of care in selecting the .. How To Get Higher Click through Rates on Adwords- (Found July 2, 2008 ) This will allow you to refine your ads and test them forrelevance and therefore maximise your clickthrough rates. Forexample, if your service offers loans, you can create differentad groups for home equity loans (and all other phrases thatincorporate this phrase), cons.. Balancing Your Promotions- (Found July 2, 2008 ) I will pay you a portion of my profits to promote it.It can work well if you can endorse the item with a personal statement.. How To Make Pay Per Click Pay You!- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Profitability with Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising comes down to how well you have chosen your keywords. Choose too generic a term and you will lose your shirt and fast. Choose too specific a term and you'll miss out on traffic your competitors will get. 7 Essential Steps to Web Site Promotion- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Web Site promotion should be the major part of your web site marketing plan. It's not enough just to design a beautiful web site and put in on the Net. Promoting your web site has to be done constantly if you want to get a continuous stream of traffic to it. If you don't drive traffic to your web site, your online business venture will soon fail. How To Get Results From a News Release- (Found July 2, 2008 ) First paragraph: Start with whats important who, what, when, where, why, and how.Further down: talk about the service your product provides through the viewpoint of your news angle. Your expertise can be mentioned here.Then one tight paragraph of good information about your business, product, or service and how you've helped your customers or clients. Want PR's Full Value- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Make sure somebody is worrying about those outside audience behaviors you need to help reach your objectives.And I mean the kind of behaviors you like: prospective buyers browsing your services or products; specifying sources or major donors thinking about you; more frequent repeat purchases; new proposals for joint ventures or strategic alliances; elected officials who increasingly view you as a mover and shaker in the business, non profit or association communities. Increase Business by Using Coupons- (Found July 2, 2008 ) A great way to test a marketing strategy is with coupons. Coupons also allow you to monitor which advertising methods are working for you. It's easy to see where the returned coupons are coming from and that shows you which method is the strongest and pulling in the most customers.The most obvious way to use coupons is by having them printed in newspaper or magazines. You can even have them on flyers that are handed out or posted. But what about the internet When Tactics Are Not Enough- (Found July 2, 2008 ) Your public relations people are busy. The buzz is all about hits on a radio show or mentions in a newspaper column. Or, which to do first, the trade show exhibit or the video clip. All useful tactics, but hardly the detailed planning needed to REALLY do something about the behaviors of those outside audiences that impact you the most. |