Devlin Task Force: We need the publics Help- April 18, 2007 The task force are looking into the 2001 kidnapping of Steven Kraft from Benton Harbor. Michigan.It is known that Devlin travelled in this area around this time. Specifically they are looking into the areas around Benton Harbor and Pentwater, Michigan.Steven Kraft lived in and dissappeared from Benton Harbor. The Devlin's had a property at Pentwater.They normally vacationed in Summer - Steven dissappeared in February.However, Michael Devlin may have visited the property alone. He was known to... Taskforce Needs Publics Help- April 12, 2007 With the recent new article : http:www.belleville.commldbellevillenewsstate17062036.htm "Soon after Devlin's arrest, prosecutors and investigators from Washington, Franklin, St. Louis and Lincoln counties, along with the FBI, the Highway Patrol and Kirkwood and St. Charles police, formed a task force to investigate Devlin's possible involvement in other unsolved cases." AND "We just have to be real careful, and we're still looking at all these cases," Nothum said. "They're still active and... April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month- April 10, 2007 National Child Abuse Prevention Month gives us an opportunity to highlight our longstanding commitment to working with our partners in preventing and treating child abuse. Regina B. SchofieldAssistant Attorney GeneralOffice of Justice ProgramsThis is an important month to remember. Many kids are abused everyday, not just for strangers that abduct them but from family members or friends of the family. We must not turn our cheek, we must protect them. In 1989, the Blue Ribbon Campaign to Prevent.. Doing Our Part To Protect Our Future- April 2, 2007 So, who here is watching the election What do you think of the war in Iraq How about all the nasty weather in the midwestThe election has gotten to its normal nasty bickering on both sides, which is nothing new. Bad weather is typical during the spring with cold and warm fronts hitting together. But what about protecting our future by fighting the war at homeSo you are saying now, What war at home Well the war at home is the kidnapping and abuse of our children from their own homes, sidewalks... |