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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for June 2008

Pulling together Agendas and Logging Meeting Notes Together in Chandler - June 18, 2008

One scenario Chandler can be useful for is pulling together meeting agendas and maintaining a log of meeting notes. Meetings are the perfect example of how calendaring and task management are inextricably intertwined. It is a problem area that highlights Chandler&8217;s ability to cross boundaries and integrate information by letting you manage events from a task ...

Chandler versus Email - June 16, 2008

You start out with a simple email. Perhaps notes from a meeting&8230; Hi! Here are some of the issues we noted during out meeting. &8230; &8230; &8230; &8230; It occurred to me that I actually have a number of questions about 2. Off the top of my head, some of them are: &8230; &8230; &8230; I&8217;m sure I&8217;ll think of more. We also talked about looking into ...

Chandler Desktop 0.7.7 - June 13, 2008

Ive just put together a candidate build for Chandler Desktop 0.7.7. Besides some cleanup of the startupshutdown UI, this is primarily a bugfix release: You can find the full list of 19 bugs addressed here. This will almost certainly be the last in the 0.7.x series: Well be spending the next few weeks to a month ...

Get the Chandler iGoogle Gadget on Linux Desktop with Screenlets - June 10, 2008

Ever since Jeffrey put up the Chandler Quick Entry gadget on iGoogle, people have been asking for the same functionality on their desktop. Marcelo de Moraes Serpa recently figured out a way to do this for Linux. See his detailed instructions below! I downloaded the deb package for the latest version of Screenlets. Once you have ...

New Chandler Product Tour - June 9, 2008

As part of our drive to improve usability based on feedback from our Preview Release, we are proud to announce a new website, Product Tour, Product Demos and Get Started Guide. The biggest thanks truly goes to the users who have written into the Chandler-Users list with feedback and detailed descriptions of how they use Chandler ...

Next Steps for the Task Stamp - June 5, 2008

A few months ago, as part of a general effort to pare down the Chandler Desktop interface, we removed the notion of marking Notes as &8220;Tasks&8221;. At the same time, we added a more &8220;generic&8221; notion of &8220;Starring Notes and Events&8221;. Why did we make this change A common piece of feedback we received was: &8220;I don&8217;t understand ...

Email in Chandler - June 4, 2008

One of the more common questions we get is: Can I use Chandler for email The short answer is no. The longer answer is: Email plays an important, integral role in Chandler. However, Chandler today does not yet meet the email needs of most people. Still, amongst task management tools (OneNote, BasecampBackpack, Things, OmniFocus, Palm) the degree to ...

Reminders that keep on reminding - June 4, 2008

Peter Allen blogged recently about his experiences using Chandler: I started using the Chandler Project a while back and I really liked it. It gives you tickler alarms for things you need to do plus a space for notes. So instead of a calendar where once the date is past, the event is gone, its a ...
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