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SWDev WeBlog

Thoughts on Development, Net and Communications.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

Bruce Eckel's written a piece called Strong Typing vs. Strong Testing. Makes the point that a dynamic language, well tested is a more powerful production environment than simply relying on the strong type management of a language or environment. Good basic reading.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

An amazing mind, Mitch Kapor, one of the founders of Lotus, is working on a Personal Information Manager and email client . Best thing for me, is that they're building the whole thing in Pythoelet8using wxPython). Cool!

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

A new book makes it clear that a staple of science fiction imaginings, the space elevator, is "near-term feasible" and is now being actively studied in research funded by NASA.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

I was discussing with a friend the eXtreme Programming concept of Worse is Better. Rather than recount the ideas here, go read the original paper written by Richard P. Gabriel and dated 1991. Then look at Back to the Future: Worse is (Still) Better. That's the foundation. From there, you can review the other material linked on the Worse is Better at Ward Cunningham's Wiki.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

The Center for Democracy and Technology is running a report that attempts to describe the source of spam. Specifically, it dug into where spammers get the addresses they use, how the lists are distributed and more. Great article!

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

I've talked frequently lately about how mobile devices, GPS and other technologies come together to form completely new ventures. Exciting stuff. Much of this excitement comes from reading Howard Rheingold's Smart Mobs. Truly a great read! Today Howard posted a write-up about a new game called Uncle Roy All Around You. It builds a game around multiple viewpoints in both the virtual and real worlds. Using webcam's mobile mms photos, SMS hints and desktop users tracking and...

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

IBM's DevWorks site has a very nice interview with Kent Beck on the birth of XP, building software smarter, not "harder" and how Java can help the software development process. Nice interview.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

The Agile Manifesto perfectly describes the practices I believe should form the basis for software development. Just signed it to indicate SWDev's commitment to the same principles.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

Hadn't checked, but I've been plying this Blog for almost seven years. Even this doesn't include the earliest entries. I wrote those in the earliest days of the web.

(Untitled) - (Found July 2, 2008 )

Love those Switcher Ads and all the many other articles discussing user's experiences. The Tech Editor at CNN has written about Succumbing to a Mac attack and how happy he is about the switch. Gotta love this business!
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