The Censorware ProjectExposing the secrets of censorware since 1997SurfControl Blocks Blogs- November 16, 2003 The creator of discovered that his blog is blocked by SurfControl. Specifically, SurfControl puts blogs in the same category as Usenet, the category that might as well be named, "too damn big, we give up." Hey censorware makers -- yes, we're talking to you -- you really ought to pay more attention to blogs. Don't block them willy-nilly. This is 21st century citizenship, it's the global conversation you'd have us ignore. That's not nice.Read more of this story at The... Two New Censorware Pieces of Note- November 13, 2003 First, David Sobel, the General Counsel of The Electronic Privacy Information Center, in conjunction with The First Amendment Center, has published a new piece entitled Internet Filters and Public Libraries. Written in the wake of the June 2003 U. S. Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Children's Internet Protection Act, Sobel surveys the field, speaks of difficulties and challenges that may occur as libraries attempt to implement CIPA. There is little new material... |