rootless cosmopolitan reports from the City of Portland (Oregon), his home since 1997.">
The One True b!X's PORTLAND COMMUNIQUEWherein the rootless cosmopolitan reports from the City of Portland (Oregon), his home since 1997.Spend Some Time With 'Portland Charter Review'- August 30, 2005 A couple of recent items of note over at Portland Charter Review, a companion site to this one focused on the forthcoming examination of the City Charter. Thick Head, Thick Head, Roly Poly Thick Head- August 27, 2005 Earlier this evening, Jack Peek (one of the local blogosphere's most infamous commenters) sent out an email explaining why more and more men are becoming Repubicans. Included amongst the dozen or so recipients were ourselves and, of course, Lars Larson. PDC Response To DA Re: Records Request- August 26, 2005 Image only. Server Sluggishness And One Other Thing- August 24, 2005 First of all, our apologies for the server sluggishness today, but another site we host managed to get Slashdotted, and so that congested the DSL line into our server. That effect should be cooling by now, and things should be more or less normal in the near future. 'The Oregonian' As Public Square- August 22, 2005 During our absence there's been a curious development since our post about turning the Portland Tribune into a public square -- a development out of The Oregonian of all places. Got The Ill Communications- August 17, 2005 Well, yes, we did just take a deliberate hiatus over the weekend. Can You Hear Me Now- August 16, 2005 On the front page of today's Oregonian is a story about opposition to the City's proposed tax on cellular telephone service, to come into line with landline taxes. It says, in part, the following. 'Portland Tribune' As Public Square- August 15, 2005 Despite the various and sundry (scroll down) protestations from those who have managed to actually remain employed by the Portland Tribune that we should move along and that there's nothing to see, the paper clearly is at yet another crossroads. |