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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for March 2007

Using Win32 (WinAPI) Functions in Microsoft Visual FoxPro

Add Microsoft Win32 functionality to your Visual FoxPro applications! This web site presents declarations and FoxPro code samples for over 1,100 Windows API functions.

Code sample: GDI+: how to make VFP controls visually shake and shudder - March 11, 2007

Shuddering control may appear a good way to get users immediate attention. For example, when Purchase Order form opens, and the shipping date is not entered or overdue, the textbox hosting this value may start vibrate and thus can be easily spotted by the user.See a short demo displaying a form with several controls (Adobe Flash Player is required).

VFP forum opens on this website - March 7, 2007

The forum becomes a part of the main website -- Using WIn32 Functions in Visual FoxPro.The main topic on the new forum is, no doubt, Windows programming in Visual FoxPro: calling Windows API functions, creating DLLs and FLLs, using Visual FoxPro API.The registration process is simple: provide an email address, select user name and password.The forum is powered by phpBB -- a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable Open Source bulletin board package --

Code sample: GDI+: rotating images using Matrix transformations - March 6, 2007

Links section has been updated - March 6, 2007

Visitors to the web site now can suggest VFP Internet resources to be displayed in the Link section.

Code sample updated: Custom GDI+ class (requires VFP8) - March 6, 2007

Several matrix transformation functions are made available through GDIMATRIX class.

API function: GdipInvertMatrix - March 6, 2007

For invertible matrix, replaces the elements of this matrix with the elements of its inverse.

API function: GdipGetMatrixElements - March 6, 2007

Gets the elements of this matrix. The elements are placed in an array in the order m11, m12, m21, m22, m31, m32, where mij denotes the element in row i, column j.

API function: GdipSetMatrixElements - March 6, 2007

Sets the elements of this matrix.

API function: GdipCreateMatrix2 - March 6, 2007

Creates and initializes a a 3 3 matrix that represents an affine transformation.
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