Using Win32 (WinAPI) Functions in Microsoft Visual FoxProAdd Microsoft Win32 functionality to your Visual FoxPro applications! This web site presents declarations and FoxPro code samples for over 1,100 Windows API functions.API function: JetDeleteTable- January 11, 2008 Deletes a table in an ESE database. API function: JetOpenTable- January 11, 2008 Opens a cursor on an existing table. API function: JetCloseTable- January 11, 2008 Closes an open table in a database. The table is a temporary table or a normal table. API function: JetCreateTable- January 11, 2008 Creates an empty table in an ESE database. API function: JetDetachDatabase- January 11, 2008 Releases a database file that was previously attached to a database session. API function: JetCloseDatabase- January 11, 2008 Closes a database file that was previously opened with JetOpenDatabase. API function: JetCreateDatabase- January 11, 2008 Creates and attaches a database file to be used with the ESE database engine. API function: JetCreateInstance- January 11, 2008 Allocates a new instance of the database engine for use in a single process. API function: JetEndSession- January 8, 2008 Ends the session, and cleans up and deallocates any resources associated with the specified session. API function: JetBeginSession- January 8, 2008 Starts new ESE session and initializes and returns an ESE session handle |