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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for January 2006

The Unofficial Bluetooth Weblog

The Unofficial Bluetooth Weblog

UWB Task Force Breakup Doesn't Faze Bluetooth SIG - January 21, 2006

This week's vote which dissolved the IEEE Task Group that was working to ratify a single UWB standard has certainly cause a few ripples in the wireless technology circles, but it seems the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) isn't really fazed by what's been going on. Earlier last year, it looked like the SIG and UWB supporters were looking for ways to join the technologies together for various applications, and things seemed to point to something of substance was going to occur...

Nokia Says Bluetooth-Enabled Cellphone Sales to Rise in '06 - January 4, 2006

With the release of three new Bluetooth-enabled handsets--the BH-800, the BH-900, and the BH-200--Nokia is predicting that the Bluetooth mobile phone market will rise a whopping 65% this year. Of course, they would surely love to get the lion's share of that number. It is expected that roughly 220 million Bluetooth handsets will be sold this year, up from 133 million in 2005. Nokia might be slightly overreaching with their prediction, only because WiFi is still so scorching hot that the...

Motorola Announces iRadio Service For Cellphones - January 3, 2006

With terrestrial radio suffering a big loss with the move of Howard Stern to satellite radio next week, it looks like many companies are looking for ways to attract folks who have not yet made the commitment to satellite but are searching for alternatives. To that end, Motorola will be introducing its iRadio subscription service at this week's CES event. The service will allow users to listen to music anywhere from their cellphones at a cost of about $7 to $10 a month. The service is launching.
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