Apple Computer NewsNews on Apple Computer continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Rhapsody unprotected- June 30, 2008 The subscription-music site Rhapsody said Monday it will start selling unprotected songs online as it tries to drum up sales and challenge the dominance of Apple Inc. Post-Gates: How Apple and OSS Are Making For a Better Microsoft- June 30, 2008 With the departure of Bill Gates, columnist Rob Enderle looks at where Microsoft is headed. More- June 30, 2008 Canada's largest mobile carrier and the only one with a contract to sell Apple's iPhone north of that border - announced the details of its voice and data plans. Analysts: Macs will continue to take market share from PCs- June 29, 2008 Posted Jun 27th 2008 8:00AM by Mike Schramm Filed under: iPod Family , Apple , iPhone Are you sitting down for this one Good. Windows could use a rush of fresh air- June 29, 2008 Microsoft Windows has put on a lot of weight over the years. Beginning as a thin veneer for older software code, it has become an obese monolith built on an ancient frame. Packing It In: The Evolution of Online Video and Audio Tech, Part 1- June 28, 2008 As Internet users increasingly discover the wonders of downloading audio and video files, they probably don't think much about how those files are prepared for transmission. Bill Gates will never leave Microsoft- June 28, 2008 June 26, 2008, 08:52 PM - In just a few short days, Bill Gates will enter retired life and leave active duty as the head honcho of Microsoft. China Mobile says main hurdle in Apple iPhone talks cleared- June 28, 2008 China Mobile said Friday the main obstacle keeping iPhone out of the world's largest mobile phone market had been cleared now that Apple has dropped its revenue-sharing demands. Verizon CEO Has Sharp Words for Apple and Jobs- June 28, 2008 Verizon chairman and chief executive Ivan Seidenberg had some sharp comments to make about Apple and Steve Jobs in his interview with the Financial Times on Friday. Apple May Offer Remote Control App For iPhone, iPod- June 27, 2008 Inside the documentation for a pre-release version of iTunes 7.7, Apple has reportedly tucked a hint of an upcoming application that would enable the latest iPhone and the iPod Touch to remotely control ... |