Apple River NewsLocal news for Apple River, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Whether you're Betsy, Beth, Liz or Bess, you're welcome in ambitious Elizabeth, Ill.- June 28, 2008 The world's most famous Elizabeth didn't show, but about 400 others did. The northern Illinois community of Elizabeth tried Saturday to set a world record for the largest Gathering of Elizabeths. Illinois Flooding in Peoria Quincy Still Causing Worries- June 21, 2008 Peoria, Illinois -- Illinois, much as many other Midwestern states, has been the victim of massive flooding. Opponents of proposed 'megadairy' in northwest Illinois promise to fight its construction- June 13, 2008 With construction set to start on what could become the largest dairy farm in Illinois, the owners have promised to include a 'methane digester,' intended to gobble up most of the pungent smells and pacify ... Students of Note- June 6, 2008 Apple River, Ill. -- Ryan M. Nichols. Warren, Ill. -- Katelyn E. McCool. Mineral Point -- Alexander B. Marr. Scuzzy Friday thoughts of a steaming pile on Monday June 2, 2008- June 2, 2008 Scuzzy governmental decisions are almost universally announced on Fridays, usually late in the day. |