(Untitled)- April 30, 2008 Yes, if you stumbled here by accident, or because you never took this site off your RSS reader, you'll notice that there is some new content here. After letting The Decembrist lapse about 15 months ago, because group blogging (at...http://markschmitt.typepad.com/decembrist/2008/04/grand-reopening.html The Reform Group That Came In From the Cold- April 4, 2008 At last, one campaign finance reform organization has stepped up to its obligation to the public interest, with regard to Senator McCain's machinations. And it's a big one: Common Cause, under the welcome new leadership of Bob Edgar, formerly head...http://markschmitt.typepad.com/decembrist/2008/04/the-reform-gr-1.html Superdelegates and the "Responsible Parties" Tradition- April 4, 2008 Who would imagine that there was more to say on the subject of the Democratic Party's superdelegates Yet two posts this week on The Democratic Strategist and on PolitickerNJ add some important context to the historical role of superdelegates, and...http://markschmitt.typepad.com/decembrist/2008/04/who-would-imagi.html Public Justice for McCain, Thanks to Bloggers- April 3, 2008 Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake, along with Joe Sudbay of Americablog and the Rev. Lennox Yearwood have done a great service by putting together a well-argued complaint to the Federal Election Commission over John McCain's violation of the campaign finance law....http://markschmitt.typepad.com/decembrist/2008/04/jane-hamsher-at.html |